Pros And Cons Of Installing Granite Countertops

If you are trying to decide whether or not to install granite countertops in your home, it may be beneficial to take a step back and look at the pros and cons. After doing so, you should have no trouble making the decision.


  • Aesthetics. Many people are attracted to the natural feel that granite gives their home because the rock comes straight from the quarry. There also used to be a time when granite was a status symbol amongst homeowners.
  • Increased Home's Value. Realtors will ensure their listings mention granite as it adds an extra "wow factor" to the home. Granite countertops are guaranteed to up the value and worth of the home as they are very popular among potential buyers.
  • Durable. As long as maintenance is kept up with, granite counters will last a lifetime or beyond. Your kitchen knives will become dull if you work directly on the granite counter before the granite will ever get a scratch. It is also heat resistant.


  • Every Stone is Different. There is no uniform shape and size for granite stones. What you see is what you get. This huge variety does not work with those who want a standard or specific size and shape of stone. Even the samples are different than what you will actually receive. If uniqueness is what you are after though, this con will actually be a pro.
  • High Maintenance and Expensive Installation. Granite has a hefty price tag per square foot. It needs to be sealed during the installation. The installation itself is expensive because it needs to be done professionally. Every year the granite will need to be resealed in order to maintain its resiliency to stains.
  • It Will Not Last Forever. Yes, it is extremely sturdy, but there are countertops made from stronger stone that take abuse much better. If a large object is dropped on granite, chipping and cracking are risk factors. Also be aware of acidic items, such as lemon juice and wine, because they will stain. Use special cleaning products on your granite counters, since the standard ones will also damage the counters.
  • The Seams Are Visible. The seams between the granite slabs are noticeable. A professional can make them less obvious in some cases, but they are still there for anyone who is looking for them.
  • Can Be Dangerous To The Environment.  Pink, purple, and red granite contains small amounts of uranium, which can leak radon gas into the environment. When in doubt, have it checked by a professional or a radon testing kit.

While it might seem as though there are a lot of downsides to granite countertops, a large portion of the downsides are cosmetic. The issue with granite being dangerous to the environment is a simple fix if you avoid certain types of granite. Truthfully, the only major downside to granite countertops is the cost. Visit GranBrazil Inc for more information.
